PostgreSQL and MySQL are popular open-source databases. This article offers a concise comparison to help you understand their main similarities and differences.
PostgreSQL and MySQL Similarities
Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are open-source, allowing public access and modification of their source code. They adhere to the relational database model, organizing data in tables with rows and columns, and supporting primary and foreign key constraints.
Each uses SQL for data interaction and management. Both databases ensure data consistency through constraints and various mechanisms and provide built-in features for replication, backup, and access control to ensure high availability.
They offer robust user management with role-based access control and multiple account support, as well as indexing features to enhance query performance.
Key Differences
PostgreSQL and MySQL exhibit distinct differences.
PostgreSQL supports a broader range of advanced data types such as JSONB
and XML
, whereas MySQL focuses on standard SQL types. MySQL uses the AUTO_INCREMENT
attribute for auto-increment functionality, while PostgreSQL uses sequences.
PostgreSQL always supports Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) for simultaneous read and write operations, while MySQL implements MVCC only with the InnoDB storage engine. PostgreSQL also offers a wider variety of index types compared to MySQL.
In terms of full-text search capabilities, PostgreSQL provides more advanced features. PostgreSQL supports transactional Data Definition Language (DDL) operations, allowing schema changes to be rolled back within a transaction block, which is not the case with MySQL.
PostgreSQL is fully ACID compliant, whereas MySQL's compliance is partial. PostgreSQL supports materialized views, which are not available in MySQL.
Additionally, PostgreSQL allows stored procedures to be written in multiple languages, including PL/pgSQL, PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, and PL/Python, while MySQL supports only SQL.
PostgreSQL offers more types of triggers, including AFTER
triggers, whereas MySQL supports only AFTER
Do both databases support JSON?
Yes, but PostgreSQL offers more extensive functionality.
Which database is more popular?
MySQL has a larger user base and market share.
Which performs better?
PostgreSQL is better for write-intensive tasks; MySQL for read-intensive ones.
Which companies use PostgreSQL?
Companies like Apple and Reddit use PostgreSQL, while Facebook and Twitter prefer MySQL.
PostgreSQL and MySQL are robust databases with distinct features. For a detailed comparison, please read PostgreSQL vs MySQL: The Definitive Comparison.