Essential SQL Techniques with DbVisualizer and PostgreSQL

Essential SQL Techniques with DbVisualizer and PostgreSQL

Want to improve your SQL querying skills? This article provides a simple guide on essential SQL techniques using DbVisualizer and PostgreSQL. You’ll learn how to use joins, set operations, and grouping to manage and query your database efficiently.

Key SQL techniques

Joins allow you to link data from multiple tables to create a unified view. Below are the essential types of joins every SQL user should know.


FROM people p
INNER JOIN customers c
ON p.CustomerID = c.CustomerID;


FROM people p
LEFT JOIN customers c
ON p.CustomerID = c.CustomerID;

Grouping and Filtering

Organizing and summarizing data is crucial for analysis. Grouping and filtering enable you to segment data into smaller, analyzable groups.


SELECT customer_id, description, SUM(quantity)
FROM people
GROUP BY customer_id, description;


Here are answers to some common SQL-related questions to deepen your understanding of key concepts.

How does an inner join work?

It returns only rows where matching values exist in both tables.

What is the difference between UNION and INTERSECT?

UNION combines and removes duplicates.

INTERSECT returns only common rows from both results.

How do you perform a self-join?

Use a self-join to compare rows within the same table, using an alias for each instance of the table.

How do you insert a row into a table?

Use the INSERT INTO statement, specifying the table, columns, and values.


Mastering SQL techniques with DbVisualizer and PostgreSQL helps you query and analyze data more efficiently. Learn more about essential SQL techniques in the article Mastering Advanced SQL Queries With DbVisualizer And PostgreSQL.