Effortless MySQL Table Duplication: Your Quickstart Guide

Effortless MySQL Table Duplication: Your Quickstart Guide

Creating new MySQL tables based on existing ones is a common requirement for database administrators and developers. This uide provides a concise look into CREATE TABLE ... SELECT and CREATE TABLE ... LIKE - two statements that streamline the process of table creation in MySQL. Here's how they work in a nutshell.

Streamlined Examples

CREATE TABLE ... SELECT: Need to replicate a table's columns and data? This command does just that, allowing for an efficient copy of specific columns along with their contents.

CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM original_table LIMIT 0;

CREATE TABLE ... LIKE: When only the table structure is needed without the data, this command creates an exact schema duplicate of the original table.

CREATE TABLE new_table LIKE original_table;

Essential FAQs

Is Table Duplication Possible in MySQL?

Absolutely, with CREATE TABLE ... SELECT for data and structure duplication or CREATE TABLE ... LIKE for a schema-only copy.


It replicates selected columns and data but excludes elements like primary keys and constraints.

Does CREATE TABLE ... LIKE Include Data?

No, it's focused on duplicating the schema, ensuring a perfect structure clone without any of the original data.


MySQL provides versatile tools for database management, including the ability to create new tables from existing ones with ease. Whether you're after a full data and structure clone or just need the schema, these commands have you covered. Dive deeper into the nuances of MySQL table creation by reading the comprehensive article How To Create a Table Like Another Table in MySQL.