Postgres & Docker Installation: A Brief Overview

Postgres & Docker Installation: A Brief Overview

Explore the streamlined method to deploy Postgres using Docker. This brief overview introduces the steps to set up a Postgres database in a Docker container, ideal for kickstarting your development journey.

Installation Step-by-Step

  1. Docker Installation: Confirm Docker's installation.

  2. Download Postgres Image: Retrieve the image with docker pull postgres.

  3. Volume Creation: Secure data with docker volume create postgres_data.

  4. Initialize the Container: Launch with docker run --name postgres_container -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d -p 5432:5432 -v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres.

  5. Connect: Use docker ps to ensure operation and connect via a PostgreSQL client.

Advantages using Docker

  • Convenience: Simplifies the initial setup.

  • Isolated Development: Offers a contained environment for Postgres.

  • Simplified Deployment: Facilitates easy application deployment.


The Docker container approach for Postgres setup presents a simplified, efficient path for developers. Dive deeper into the complete setup process by reading the article How to Set Up Postgres using Docker.